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Jan 12, 2021
Jack Ma MISSING! | Where is Jack Ma of Alibaba? China vs Billionaire Jack Ma
Dec 22, 2020
scp 1730 | SCP Foundation | What happened to Site-13
SCP-1730 is one of the biggest threats the Foundation has ever faced. SCP-1730 does not exist. It was June 5th the compound was first discovered. A large complex of structures in rural Texas, about fifteen kilometers northwest of the Mexican border. Located in Big Bend Ranch State Park, it was easily the biggest structure in the area. But there was no record of any such structure ever being built. A massive network of power stations, containment facilities, and research buildings, SCP-1730 looked like it had been abandoned for a long time. The exterior was degraded, but the building was still operating. A power generator had been running for an indeterminate amount of time, even as the infrastructure degraded. Power flickered through the sight and fuel leaked frequently. But there was one detail that attracted the attention of SCP brass. SCP-1730 bore identifying markings linking it to Foundation Site 13, a research facility that was marked for construction near Nome, Alaska. But Site 13 had never been built, having been abandoned in the planning stages.
So why is it in the middle of Texas, fully constructed and long abandoned? The foundation needed to know more, and they needed their best to investigate. It was time to call in the “Game Wardens”. Apollo-3, the mobile task force used to investigate dangerous sites, was brought in, and five elite agents were briefed and sent in - Ross, Houston, Noah, Ohalo, and Vigo. It didn’t
take long for them to discover that something was very wrong with the site SCP 1730. The facility was located in the middle of south Texas - but the local flora surrounding it was native to Nome, Alaska. Something had transplanted a building that shouldn’t exist to another place and time. Commander Ross ordered his men to enter, with Houston taking lead, and they discovered that entry led down a long staircase. They descended slowly, following a strange light that no one could identify - but had a sudden shock when they discovered that the basement of the staircase was missing. The light suddenly stopped, and it became so dark that it was impossible to see what lay beyond the staircase. Upon probing the inky black void at the base of the staircase, they determined it wasn’t a fog or shadow. It was a liquid and it was rising.
Ross ordered his men back, but Houston was in too deep. He couldn’t break free from the inky black liquid. The men pulled him away, and got him free - but his legs were gone! Not ripped off, because there was no blood anywhere. Smoothly cut off, as if they were never there. And as they put Houston down, he stood up - on phantom legs. He didn’t feel any pain, but everyone could tell something was very wrong with this place and the messages they started seeing on the wall made clear they weren’t the only ones who knew it. “WHAT HAPPENED TO SITE-13”?... “DEATH HERE”... “NOT MY BODY”... “BLEED”...
There had been other people - or things - inside SCP 1730, and they wanted anyone who entered to know that this was a dangerous place to be. As they advanced down the hall back towards the entrance, they saw what looked like a person in a distance. But as they approached , it became clear this wasn’t another explorer. It was an old, horrible disfigured corpse seemingly attached to the wall. Not by chains - but fused into wall in unnatural ways. At first, the team seemed unconcerned - recognizing the corpse as someone named Zachary. Fortunately,

Command back at base realized this as the effects of some sort of cognitohazard - a mental infection - in the base. They uploaded a filter to their helmets, and the team recoiled in horror at the site in front of them. But the horrors were just beginning…
They turned around to see a shimmering, humanoid entity in the hallway behind them. A it approached, its footsteps distorted the hallway around. It pulled AP-3 Noah towards it, without touching him, and as the soldier was pulled into its clutches, his body started to distort. Vigo

Was next, being grabbed by the arm by a long appendage, and his arm started to change color and distort. But the Foundation sent Apollo-3 in prepared. Houston produced a portable reality anchor, designed to handle reality-wraping entities, and with a flash of red light the creature was

revealed. It was a horribly elongated humanoid that only existed for a second before the reality anchor erased it and restored the hailway to its normal state. Vigo would recover, with the strange red color in his arm fading eventually. Noah wan’t so lucky. He was already dead and had been fused into the wall just like the unfortunate corpse.
These horrors had been encountered just by trying to return to the entrance, so it was clear the only smart thing to do was to descend further into the facilities and get some answers. As they advanced, not encountering any other supernatural entities, they saw more evidence of the dark things that had occurred in Site 13. The infirmary had been torn apart, a cafeteria had been melted into slag, and a large group of containment cells ended with a section called “Olympia Class”. But while most of the other cells were standard sized, these were over 100 meters high.
What had the foundation - or whoever ran this place - been keeping in these cells? They would get more answers as they made their way down another hall, where they saw a single TV still working and illuminating their hallway. At first the TV flickered, but the image soon cleared, and the agents were able to see what was broadcasting and they recognised them as one of the most dangerous beings contained by the SCP Foundation - Bobble the Clown. A predatory

a supernatural clown that inhabits a children’s TV show, Bobble the Clown was broadcasted by an unknown source and could only be seen by children under ten. Originally seeming to be a normal kids’ show about a clown, every episode eventually devolved into the murderous Bobble teaching the kids how to do horrible things like arson or torture. The Foundation eventually captured and isolated Bobble’s broadcast, but the clown remained hostile and vicious but not here. As the team talked to the Bobble trapped in the mysterious Site 13, it became clear that this clown was broken by whatever it had experienced. It rambled, it hid from the camera, and it was clearly terrified as it told the team about the horrors of the site. And it seemed to recognize the agents as something familiar - but not completely familiar. It claimed to be able to smell them - and said they smelled different.
As Bobble rambled on and on, the agents learned about a man named Emerson, who ran the site. Like the Foundation, he was obsessed with containing the strange and dangerous entities in the world but unlike the foundation, he didn't just want to protect the world from them. He hated them. The entities in Site 13 didn’t even have numbers - they might identify by them. Emerson wanted to use them up however he wanted and dispose of them - in something Bobble called the “meat grinder”. Entities that outlived their usefulness were taken down below - and none were ever heard from again. It was directly counter to every SCP Foundation policy - but this site had clearly been performing these horrible experiments for years. How ??? and

why hadn’t anyone ever heard of it ?? The team continued to make their way into the facility, but their signals were lost as they entered the cryogenics unit. By the time contact had been restored, they were no longer alone. There were survivors. Both agents of the foundation - and survivors of the facility. And they were angry. With no way out and massively outnumbered, they called for backup. Mobile Task force T-5, also known as “Samsara”, was reserved for the heavy-duty missions. They’re an elite group of practically immortal cyborgs fashioned from the flesh of a god, and equipped with further cybernetic enhancements to eliminate Keter-level threats and to protect themselves from cognitohazards. They were sent in through a drainage gate to look for survivors and neutralize whatever lay within. They didn’t know what to expect, but they knew one thing - no one who had been sent in had come out. It wasn’t long before they realized how dangerous this mission would be.

As they came across some large gated drainage pipes, they could see at least twenty charred bodies of humanoids pushed up against the gate, some reaching their hands through. As they made their way down the drainage pipe they could feel it getting hotter, as if they were nearing an energy source and there was one other odd thing about the pipe, it was draining inward, not out. They made their way to control room, where many of the consoles had been destroyed. Looking through a window, their view was obscured by a mysterious black mass. On the control panels, they could read terms like “incinerator” and “body pit access”. They split up, trying to find

answers, but found many of their accesses blocked by the black mass. As the T-5 task force argued over their next move, they were startled by a sudden jolt. The giant mass had started moving. The team watched as the mass spun, revealing a giant turbine, which turned the ink substance into a fine slurry that was then scorched by giant steaks of fire. One of T-5 shot open the glass chamber, allowing the team to get closer - and blasting them with a wave of heat. As they descended into the chamber, they could see a massive plant-like structure overhead, which started to shake. Suddenly thousands of glowing pods were released from the massive plant,

and each one lit up and let the team view the chamber more clearly. But it was what was inside the pods that was more disturbing. Each pod had a humanoid shape inside, seemingly reaching towards the team, until they hit the slurry below - and the shadows went dark.
The team descended to investigate the slurry, when something started to leak out of the walls. Looking at it, they could see something moving within. One of the team members picked the wriggling object out of the black liquid - and it took a bite out of his hand !!! It was a leech - and there were thousands more of them moving towards the slurry, consuming it and as the leeches ate, they started growing. They seemed to be moving in unison, communicating with a larger being lurking at the base of the slurry. A larger leech, a queen ??? Or something else ?? The team wasn’t sticking around to find out. They beat a hurried escape from the leech room, finding themselves in another hallway. Whatever the black substance was, the entities who had been here had used it, scrawling “Blood” on the walls over and over again.
Occasionally, they would come across a drained corpse covered in the black fluid. Had the leeches bleed them dry ?? The facility was so sprawling that the team knew that if they wanted any chance of navigating it safely, they needed to get the lay of the land. They needed to find the control center. The door read “Stairs to Cryonics” and the leeches were nowhere to be found. It seemed like a safe path. But as soon as the team entered, the temperature dropped drastically, to well below where it would be safe for humans to survive. The team’s internal heating system kicked in, saving their lives, but that wasn’t the only threate. The team was about to encounter exactly what Site 13 was keeping locked up. As soon as they entered the room, sound ceased to work. The filters in their gear were overloaded, and the team saw warnings around the room. “Silence Don’t Look”.... A massive, multi-limbed figure emerged, with

each of its sixty arms moving independently. The creature had no head, but a large circular structure covered with ancient glowing symbols. Whatever it was ancient, all-powerful - and deadly. The team scrambled to get away, as the glyphs on the creature burned white hot. Anyone who touched it was burned. Anyone who looked too long at it felt their optical implants burn out. The symbols on the creature were indecipherable, but one word was clear and printed

in English - “EMERSON”. Site 13 was from another world, another timeline where the SCP foundation evolved into something horrible. Ruled over by Elliott Emerson, it tortured its captured beings, and eventually killed most of them in the horrors of the incinerators.

When an escape threatened to destroy the facility, Emerson successfully activated a device that removed the facility from their world - into ours.
Ofcourse, as any avid follower of the SCP Foundation will know, there’s far more to the story than this. Emerson may have been the start of Site 13’s problems, but he was far from the end. We’re talking about a tale so epic in size and scope that it wouldn’t be possible to fit it into one article - A tale of subterranean horror, a daring rescue mission into the bowels of Site 13, and an anomalous battle to end all battels.
To be Continued.....
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Dec 16, 2020
scp 745 headlights
SCP 745 The Headlights
It’s late at night, and you’re driving down a desolate stretch of highway somewhere. There’s nothing out here except for you, your car, and the road. What you don’t know is that you’re about to encounter something..something terrifying. There’s no moon and the sky is pitch black. Your own car is barely lighting up the dark road ahead of you. Just then you spot something in your rearview mirror. It’s a pair of headlights. There’s nothing too strange about them, except
that they are especially bright. Your eyes are so adjusted to the darkness that you have to look away. When you glance in the mirror again you see that they're much closer. They must be going awfully fast. You don’t know why, but something about the car behind you makes you feel uneasy, there’s something off. You speed up a little. Maybe you can keep some distance from them but the lights keep getting closer. So you speed up a little more. Still, they gain on you, growing bigger and bigger in your rearview mirror. You’re getting nervous. They look like they are barreling right towards you…you floor it. The lights are able to keep up easily though, and now they’re right on your tail. No matter how fast you go they stay right behind you. The lights are so bright and close that they’re almost blinding. You’re in a full blown panic, what’s going on? Now the lights are swerving back and forth behind you. What do they want? You take a sharp turn without indicating, but they follow you without difficulty. You keep your foot smashed down on the accelerator, your engine is screaming, but they just get closer and closer. They’re right on your bumper. The bright white lights burn your eyes so bad that you swat at the rearview mirror to point it down. You look up in time to see the deer standing in the middle of the road. You slam on your brakes as hard you can. Your tires squeal loudly in the night and you brace yourself to both hit the deer and get rear ended from behind. You stop inches from the deer as something incredible happens.
The two headlights seem to split, passing by you on either side of your car. You and the deer lock eyes for a split second as if you’re both thinking “what was that?”
Before the deer hops away into the night. You don’t know what's happening, but you’re not going to wait around to find out. You throw the car in reverse and hit the gas, before whipping it around one hundred and eighty degrees. You can’t remember how far the last town was, but there’s no chance you’re going in the direction of those lights. You drive as fast you can, checking your mirror constantly to see if anything is behind you. Nothing.. Just darkness. May be you are finally safe. NO!! They’re right in front of you! The lights somehow appear out of nowhere right in front of your car. You turn the wheel hard to avoid a head on collision and you go flying off the road, smashing your head against the window as the car goes flipping and rolling and tumbling. The car comes to a hundred feet off the road, upside down, with a long blinking turn signal dimly lighting up the surrounding field. A single headlight approaches the car, but it’s not moving like a vehicle, it’s an animal. You’re concussed from the accident and your vision is starting to fade. The last thing you see is a second light approaching.
Because scp 745 entities hunt almost exclusively in pairs, with their preferred hunting grounds being remote sections of highway, they are easily mistaken for oncoming or approaching headlights. Two scp 745 entities are able to move together in perfect synchronicity, running in tandem at a speed up to 180 kilometers per hour. Together they will target lone vehicles that they spot on the highway and will begin to chase or run straight towards them, giving the unlucky driver the impression that a fast moving car is rapidly approaching them. After they near the targeted car, they will attempt to stop it by any means necessary,
Other than the damages sustained during the accident, there is never any other sign of struggle or forced entry, with the only other evidence left at the scene being the child like handprints from scp-745’s small front paws.
Strangely, analysis of SCP-745’s genetic structure has revealed that unlike humans, they are not a carbon based lifeform, meaning it is unlikely then that they are able to derive any nutrition from the consuming of human flesh. It is theorized then thaat they may be hunting solely for sport or some other form of perverse enjoyment. This question remains unanswered, as currently there are n recorded observations of SCP-745 feeding in the wild, as successful attacks have never left any witnesses, and specimens captured by SCP foundation refuse to eat at all. No lairs, nests, or other refuge of scp 745 has ever been found, nor has the Foundation located any breeding grounds or young examples of the entity. It’s unknown how or if they reproduce, or when they may have first appeared. What is known, is that they had established a wide hunting territory across the American South West, until Foundation teams began a program to thin their numbers in the 1960s. The effort appears to have been successful so far, and all recent sightings of SCP-745 have been limited to a specific stretch of highway in Northen New Mexico.
SCP 745 has been classified as Euclid, and in order to limit potential exposure to civilians, the Foundation has purchased the land surrounding the highway, with traffic being redirected to other roads. Foundation security teams disguised as highway patrol officers are to remove any trespassers or lost travelers who accidentally find themselves on the dangerous stretch of highway. The security teams are also tasked with attempting to capture any instances of scp 745 that they can, and any recovered creatures, live or dead, are to be loaded into Class 3 BCU storage containers and transferred to Site 17 for further study. Containment procedures that are able to preserve living specimens are still being researched, and currently, no examples of SCP-745 have survived for more than a week in captivity. However, seeing as there have been no new sightings of SCP-745 outside of the isolated and monitored stretch of highway, and all reports of phantom lights elsewhere in the country have not pointed to evidence of additional SCP-745 outbreaks, they are considered to be effectively contained.
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Dec 12, 2020
scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0
What is SCP-1471 Malo Ver1.0.0
Hey friends welcome to our Blog. Today I’m going to discuss scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0..
I’m Gyana Ranjan and this is scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0, also known as Mal-O version one point oh point oh. scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 is a very interesting anomaly that’s not really a creature, or a monster, or even an object. It’s a mobile app. It’s 9.8 megabytes in size and is freely available in online application stores where it’s listed under the name Mal-O version one point oh point oh. There’s no developer listed on any of the stores, and it seems as though the app is somehow able to bypass the normal application approval process and appear directly on the stores for wide distribution. Once scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 is downloaded and installed on a device, there are no icons, shortcuts, or widgets like you’d expect when installing software. It also does not appear on program managers and once installed, it seems there’s no way to remove it. Within three to six hours of installing the app, the individual whose device it is will begin receiving mysterious picture messages. All of these images will have one thing in common - somewhere in the foreground or background in a large humanoid figure with a canine-like skull for a head and long black hair. This creature has been designated scp-1471 malo. Sometime during the first 24 hours following the installation of scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0, the individual’s device will start to receive slightly different images from before. These images still always contain instances of 1471-A, but now the locations will be recognizable to the individual. These pictures will be of places that the individual regularly frequents, like their local grocery store, their school, or their work. These sorts of images will continue to be received until 48 hours since the initial installation has passed. At that point, the device will start to receive images of places that the individual recently visited, like an image of the restaurant where they picked up your lunch an hour ago. Just as before, all of these images have scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 somewhere in them, as if it’s been following them and wants them to know it.
After 72 hours things get even stranger. Now the pictures received by the individual will be of them in real time. They might receive a picture of themself sitting on the couch taken in that exact moment, except scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 is standing right behind them. But when they look there’s nothing there. It’s as if someone is photoshopping in this bizarre, canid creature but doing so impossibly fast.
Finally after over 90 hours have passed since the app was installed, the weirdness reaches its peak. The individual no longer receives photo messages, but instead will start to catch glimpses of scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 in real life, either in their peripheral vision, in reflective surfaces, or in both. At this point, the individual afflicted will continue having visualizations of scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 in the real world, a result that so far has been irreversible. Individuals who have reached this extreme stage of exposure have reported that the entity appears to be trying to visually communicate with them, but none of them have been able to understand or comprehend whatever message it’s trying to relay.
Such was the case with a subject named Willam. Willam had first been exposed to scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 at fifteen years old when his sister, Sara, showed him an app she had downloaded earlier in the day. The app’s description stated that you will never have to settle for awkward feelings of being alone ever again. That Mal-O is an exciting and interactive experience that will keep you engaged and intrigued, and that after just a few hours of Mal-O you will soon forget all about those painful emotions of disappointment. Neither Willam nor his sister knew how the app worked, but they assumed it was tracking them using some kind of GPS and soon Willam was receiving images from scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0. The first one he received was of his school’s courtyard, with scp-1471, barely noticeable, sitting on a bench. He had black, matted fur, knife like claws, a set of blank, pure white eyes, and a face that looked like a skull of a beast with a large, wolfish grin. Willam was immediately frightened by this but Sara insisted it was “cute” and “funny”. Willam wasn’t so sure. The pictures continued over the following days, with scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 appearing at his school, at his bus stop, on his street...nearly everywhere he went and then the pictures started appearing as if they had just been taken the moment they were received. Willam and Sara were both being sent the same type of nightmare inducing images and they tried to delete the app from their phone to stop them, but they couldn't find where the application was stored. Then things got even worse… the creature started appearing to Willam and Sara in the real world. Willam, as it turns out, was the lucky one as scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 primarily appeared to him in reflective surfaces like mirrors, which he could cover with a curtain when he didn’t want to see the strange dog-skull face with its toothy grin staring back at him. Sara was less fortunate. She saw the creature everywhereshe looked, it always appearing just outside of her periphery, catching glimpses out of the corner of her eye, or feeling it looming over her and watching her as she slept. Willam has been able to cope with the appearances of 1471-A, even regarding it as a somewhat comforting presence at times. Sara sadly, was driven mad by the never ending visions of the creature.
Currently, the only known treatment to reverse the effects of scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 and the appearances of 1471-A is to eliminate the individual’s exposure to the images before 90 hours have passed after installing the app. Once the 90 hours have passed, it’s too late, and scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 becomes a permanent presence in the individual’s life.
Thankfully, 1471-A has thus far remained non-hostile and has not been shown to pose a threat to those afflicted by it,at least not a physical threat. All mobile devices that are found to have Mal-O version one point oh point oh installed on them are to be confiscated and analyzed for any potential information as to who might have created the application, as well as leads for other devices that may have been infected. Following this investigation, the device’s batteries are to be removed and the device placed in storage unit 91 at research site 45.
Additionally, all online application stores for mobile devices are to be monitored to prevent unsuspecting users from inadvertently downloading the anomalous software. Any individuals who are suspected of having downloaded scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 will have their device targeted by a self-uploading malware that can disable it until it’s able to be seized by foundation agents.
Due to its unpredictable nature of the anomaly and the potential sentience of the software itself, scp-1471 malo ver1.0.0 has been classified as Euclid by the SCP Foundation and research into ways to hopefully one day contain the anomalous software is ongoing.
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Gadgets Blog Hey guys, welcome to our blog full of Amazing gadgets. In this blog we created a list of 10 amazing gadgets for smartphone ...
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