
Nov 27, 2020

cool spy gadgets you can buy

 Best cool spy gadgets from Amazon

cool spy gadgets

Hey friends welcome to our Blog. Today we are going to discuss some cool spy gadgets such as an induction earpiece, cap with camera, spy camera & spy bugs detector, clock with camera and many more.

Do you know there are tons of spying gadgets which can disturb your privacy and can create problems in your personal life. Today I'm going to share some of those cool spy gadgets which may help you to save your privacy and can be helpful.

I personally recommend you not to miss utilise those powerful and useful gadgets, but if you really need those gadgets for a genuine purpose you can purchase them from Amazon.

Glass with a Camera

cool spy gadgets

Have you ever imagined a camera inside a spec ? ? No right ! ! Here is a spec inbuilt with high quality (FHD) camera which can capture each and every scene in front of you. This is a unique product that comes with a great look through which you can record or capture special moments without holding a camera in hand. You can also use it while traveling, if you are a traveller then this product will be more useful for you. You can also use this spec for spying or collecting evidence but you should be careful while spying or collecting evidence because the inbuilt camera is little visible from near. This product is available on Amazon.


Sim Card Duplicator

cool spy gadgets

Now I'm going to share a useful gadget which can copy your sim data and can prepare a duplicate sim for you, yeah I'm talking about sim cloning. Before some years ago it was found that some people used to cheat others by cloning the sim without the knowledge of the customer and later on use to sell it on the dark web. So be aware of this kind of people. This gadget does have a huge benefit is that you can use this gadget for creating a backup for your own sim. This product is available on Amazon.


Induction Earpiece

cool spy gadgets

This gadget is the smallest gadget from all other gadgets. This is a super mini hidden spy earpiece used for voice recorder and catching different sounds. It includes one mini round shaped 5mm wireless earpiece and an induction loop. All you need is to put the earpiece near to your eardrum, then place the induction loop as possible near to the earpiece (ex- in the neck, chest). The less the distance between earpiece and induction loop the more high quality audio the gadget will receive. Normally it is used while spying but nowadays students use it during exams which I strongly prohibit. This unique gadget is available on Amazon.


Cap with Camera

cool spy gadgets

For spying we need simple daily life things which cannot be detected easily. Here is a gadget which comes comes with inbuilt camera and bluetooth features. The buttons in the cap doesn't seem like buttons, it just looks like a simple normal cap. You can record audio or listen to music through the provided bluetooth features. You can record HD videos through the inbuilt camera by inserting a SD card in the slot provided. This unique product is available on Amazon.


Smart Health Lens

This gadget is all about a smart Lens. This smart Lens helps to monitor the health of the user. It integrates the blood sugar level of the diabetes patient. If we talk about the inbuilt features then it is a 3 layer active sensor which includes glucose sensor manager, controller and an antenna. It fits like an eye lens to the naked eye and collects normal available tears on the surface of the eye which helps to measure glucose and informs the user. This product is currently unavailable on Amazon. You can also check.


Hidden Camera & Spy Bugs Detector

cool spy gadgets

In our recent posts we were discussing about spying gadgets.. what if someone else is spying on you to harm you or to your privacy in hotel rooms, trial rooms, etc.. I hope you got my point. Through this gadget you will be able to save your privacy. This gadget helps to detect radio bugs, GSM bugs as well as hidden cameras. You can get this product from Amazon. Money isn't a big deal but your safety matters. I personally recommend you to use this gadget to save your privacy.


Spy Pen

cool spy gadgets

To spy on someone the best way I feel is through a spy pen as because there is a huge chance not to get caught. This is a regular pen in which you can record anything by just inserting a SD card in it. You can record continuously upto 6 hours with a full charge at once. All you need is to press the recording button when you want to record. This product is easily available on market ranging from ₹500-5000. This is available on Amazon.


Smart Watch

cool spy gadgets

Most of the people use smart watches these days. Do you know you can also use a smartwatch as a spying gadget. The inbuilt HD camera and audio recorder helps you to capture images, record HD videos as well as recording audio. You can also use it for your daily life purpose and it's easily available on market or you can purchase it from Amazon starting from ₹500.


Desk Clock with a Camera

cool spy gadgets

This desk clock is perfect for decor as well as for spying and for live footage. This product comes with a secret inbuilt HD camera which is present in front of the clock, the camera does have night mode feature in it. This product is available on Amazon.


Mini Camera

cool spy gadgets

This is a well known mini camera which is best for spying as because it is handy and compatible. Not only for spying you can also use it as a CCTV. The quality of the camera is far better than other spy cameras. You can also use this for your car, drone, bike , etc.. for fun shots. It is provided with an SD card slot and a charging slot. This product is available on Amazon.


I really found it useful about all those products. Do comment which gadget you liked the most . Hope you like this cool spy gadgets blogpost. Do subscribe and follow my blog for more Amazing Facts and Products.


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